Dear Scout Professional,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce SG Trading Post website as a potential resource for your Council's marketing needs. SG Trading Post manufactures unique garments, patches, and advertising materials for use in marketing outdoor programs.
SG Trading Post is not an official supplier, preferred or recommended vendor of Scouting America. SG Trading Post is a group of dedicated scouting volunteers with over 60 years combined experience in graphic arts based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. As a former Vice President for the Anthony Wayne Area Council, in both Membership and Finance, I understand the challenges faced by you and your staff to deliver an exciting and safe program while controlling cost....and I also realize that many Councils could use a hand determining how to order and market programs profitably. Camp apparel is not an expense....but rather a profit center not yet realized by many Councils.
SG Trading Post will:
Increase your sales; Increase your revenue; Increase Scouting exposure within your Council.
SG Trading Post offers a unique program to each Council. Our staff will be happy to discuss with you and your committees how SG Trading Post can increase your outdoor program revenue. You may contact me with any questions at 800-338-2258 x 304. I would also encourage you to contact other Councils with which we have done business. Some are listed on the reference page, and you may very well recognize many of our customers illustrated in the artwork gallery.
Thank you for your interest in SG Trading Post.
Patrick Mattox
SG Trading Post